htop and PCP have a new home at Hack Club

After the unfortunate and somewhat surprising shutdown of the Open Collective Foundation (OCF), htop and Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) have migrated to Hack Club.
Initially founded to improve STEM education, support high school computer science clubs and firmly founded in the hacker culture, Hack Club have created a US IRS approved 501(c)(3) charity that provides what Open Collective did/does1 and more at a flat 7% fee of the project income. Nathan Scott organized these moves with Paul Spitler. Many thanks!
We considered other options for the projects, e.g. Gentoo has moved to Software in the Public Interest (SPI) and I know SPI quite well as they were created initially to host Debian. But PCP moved from SPI to OCF in 2021. Open Collective has a European branch that seems independent of the dissolved US foundation. But all-in-all Hack Club seemed the best fit.
You can find the new fiscal sponsorship and donation landing pages at:
htop | | |
PCP | | |
Open Collective as in the fancy "manage your project donations and reimbursements" website still continues to run but the foundation of the same name that provided the actual fiscal sponsorship (i.e. managing the funds) got dissolved. It's ... complicated. ↩
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Yassine Chaouche on :
I had to refresh my mind about what pcp was.
I learned about it in one of your prior posts.
I took the opportunity of this blog post to read its documentation to know more about it.
I was suprised I found the same dotted notation as I am using in my bash scripts and functions.
For example:
$ pminfo -dfmtT
one of my bash aliases looks like this:
I also name my files in the same manner,
if I'm doing sorting, grepping and this kind of operations on an input file
(a log file usually),
then all the intermediary result files are kept
(just in case).
Here's an example :