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IMAPFilter 2.6.11-1 backport for Debian Jessie AMD64 available


One of the perks you get as a Debian Developer is a email address. And because Debian is old and the Internet used to be a friendly place this email address is plastered all over the Internet. So you get email spam, a lot of spam.

I'm using a combination of server and client site filtering to keep spam at bay. Unfortunately the IMAPFilter version in Debian Jessie doesn't even support "dry run" (-n) which is not so cool when developing complex filter rules. So I backported the latest (sid) version and agreed with Sylvestre Ledru, one of its maintainers, to share it here and see whether making an official backport is worth it. It's a straight recompile so no magic and no source code or packaging changes required.

Get it while its hot:

imapfilter_2.6.11-1~bpo8+1_amd64.deb (IMAPFilter Jessie backport)
SHA1: bedb9c39e576a58acaf41395e667c84a1b400776

Clever LUA snippets for ~/.imapfilter/config.lua appreciated.


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