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Linux App Summit - Linux applications apparently unable to produce a five page sponsorship brochure


I've been calling out the Linux foundation for producing their annual report on Macs. And again.

But catching the Linux App(lication) Summit to produce their 5 page sponsorship brochure one Windows with Adobe...

Produced by Adobe InDesign 18.1 on Windows

Apparently neither GNOME nor KDE have apps that are sufficient to produce such content. Wtf folks.

P.S.: Just checked the Linux Foundation's 2022 Annual Report titled "Leadership in Security and Innovation" ... Adobe InDesign 18.0 (Macintosh).

Their pdf title looks like this:

Pdf is hard.


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Joey Clarke on :

Thank you for putting your finger where it hurts. No really. We need to be honest that those representing us are doing a bad job. For more than a decade now. It has driven a lot of development talent away. People want to join the winning team, not just any team.

The advocacy organizations for Gnome and Kde are not serving the purpose of getting Linux to be a viable operation system on the desktop. They could have been successful had they not driven crazy sideshows all the time. Kde on mobile, Kde on Windows, GTK3, GTK4, Gnome adwaita, force contributors to use matrix and discourse, etc. Lots of infighting for egos and political stances. Lots of effort, all gone to waste.

These organizations are prime examples of what happens when development lacks product focus and ignores customer requirements. Random vamps, many well appreciated, but no compelling product at any time. The LAS copywriters agree. They use Indesign on Windows. Not Scribus on Linux.

Melanie on :

I started with GNOME but I have migrated to Cinnamon recently. I was sick of losing functionality with each release. And searching for fragile JavaScript(?) plugins to restore at least some basic features. Design is more important than usability at GNOME. Good that other choices exist.

Joey Clarke on :

Do they people from LAS read the relevant blogs at all? Do they even care?

Daniel Lange on :

I told the lady in charge of these things at GNOME. She said, she'd forward "to the respective team". Have not heard anything since.

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