Wikimedia Fundraiser Webpage now cuts off at the last 10.000 donations

The Wikimedia Foundation has changed their donation web pages again. Now they cut off the "Recent contributions" at 400 pages of (max.) 25 donors each. Thus the commands I gave in the Wikimedia Fundraiser analysis article can't be repeated to give the full picture anymore. You can now only get a view of the last 9-10 days.
The implementation has obviously been done quite hastily. If you select the "Filter" to show only one page of results, you'll still get the (now hard-coded) 0 .. 400 pages selector at the bottom.
I've been pointed at two other resources on the recent fund raiser for information:
- There is an IRC Channel that lists donations (irc:// Running it a few minutes, it showed far fewer donations coming in than the better known web page though.
- There are a few threads in the Wikipedia Review Forum that deal with the fund raiser. The discussions there are very Statler and Waldorf style but these folks also did the math.
09.11.07: Casey Abell has added to the comments which lists a daily report of the funds collected. Thanks Casey! The numbers match very well with my analysis. Wikimedia currently reports $27,97 average donation. I measured $27,85 six days ago. That seems stable. Interim conclusion:There are still major individual donations required to get anywhere above $2m.
10.11.07: Casey generates a nice graph of the daily funds collected here.
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Casey Abell on :
There's a daily tracker at Contributions ticked up after the new, even uglier begging ad was introduced. But the effect looks to be wearing off. Maybe we'll get an even bigger, more obnoxious ad pretty soon.
I wish the site would sell a few ads and stop begging. The ads on Veropedia are far less annoying. If Wikipedia keeps jacking up its budget to ridiculous levels, paid advertising is the least irritating way to go. It beats constant begging, anyway.
Casey Abell on :
By the way, while I'd like to take credit for unearthing the website, the link was published in the Wikipedia Signpost. The foundation hasn't publicized the site, which has spawned a few conspiracy theories. I'm keeping an updated graph of the daily contributions at