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Apple iPhone ring tones Linux style

Open Source

Apple has crippled the iPhone to not allow normal music files as ringtones. Business decision. Technically any sub 40 second MP4 audio file will do once you rename it to *.m4r and drag-and-drop it to the ringtones folder of your phone in iTunes. Longer ones will work, too. But you'd need a jailbroken iPhone for that as iTunes will refuse to transfer the ringtone file if it's too long. Not much of an issue imho, who keeps ringing your phone for 40 seconds or more?

There's a gazillion websites available telling you how to convert a single .mp3-file to a ringtone with or without iTunes help and there are hundreds of tools doing that for you if you can't find out how to do it with just iTunes itself. Still the ones I tried failed for me as I wanted to convert my 20 or so standard ringtones from the good old Motorola K3 to iPhone ringtones all in one go. Without having to edit each one by hand. They are already nice ringtones and have served me well for years, just too long for the iPhone and in .mp3 format.

The basic processing sequence needed is

  1. Cut the .mp3 down to 39s
  2. Convert the .mp3 -> .wav (with mplayer, normalize output gain while we're at it)
  3. Convert the .wav -> .mp4 (with facc)
  4. Clean up, GOTO 1 for next file

So below is the free shell script to create multiple ringtones in one go on any Linux system. You need to install cutmp3, mplayer and faac for it, so apt-get install cutmp3 mplayer faac on Debian or Ubuntu. cutmp3 is currently not in the portage tree for Gentoo, but you can download an ebuild from Polynomial-C's overlay (mirror). Or you just download the cutmp3 binary from Jochen Puchalla's homepage. There's no error checking in the script, so know your way around the shell before running it.

Without further ado:

# convert_to_ringtone file1.mp3 [file2.mp3, ...]
# Placed into the public domain by Daniel Lange, 2011.

for arg
        echo "Processing $arg..."
        cutmp3 -c -a 0:0.0 -b 0:39.0 -i "$arg" -O "$arg.tmp"
        mplayer -vo null -vc null -af volnorm -ao pcm:fast:file=tmpfile.wav "$arg.tmp"
        faac -b 128 -c 44100 -w tmpfile.wav
        name=`echo $arg| sed 's/.mp3//g'| sed 's/ /_/g'`
        mv tmpfile.m4a $name.m4r
        rm tmpfile.wav
        rm "$arg.tmp"
        echo "$arg done."

Wikipedia article on Apple's 1984 ad.


23.12.14 Apparently the faac package in Debian and Ubuntu has had the MP4 writing capability removed in v1.28-5 and later due to a minor license incompatibility. See the Debian Changelogs. Duh.

faac (1.28-5) unstable; urgency=low
  [ Andres Mejia ]
  * Disable mp4v2 support.
    This only disables mp4v2 for the faac utility program. The faac
    utility is GPL-2 but the mp4v2 library is MPL-1.1. The two licenses
    are incompatible with each other.

So ... unfortunately you have to built faac from source yourself or pin the v1.28-4 version which is identical except for the castration anyways.

Random distro dev: "Why oh why doesn't my distro ever head mainstream...?"
Hint: Because of stuff like this.

Binding applications to a specific IP


These days many systems are multi-homed in the sense that they have more than one IP address bound at the same time.
I.e. for different network cards, virtual IPs for shared servers or just using WiFi and a wired network connection at the same time on a laptop.

Murphy of course makes sure that your system will choose to worst IP (i.e. that on slow WiFi or the one reserved for admin access) when an application does not specifically supports binding to a selected IP address. And Mozilla Firefox for example doesn't.

The kernel chooses an outgoing IP from those in the routing table with the same metric:

daniel@server:~$ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         U     0      0        0 eth0         U     0      0        0 eth1         U     0      0        0 eth2         U     0      0        0 eth3

You can obviously play around with the metric and make the kernel router prefer the desired interface above others. This will affect all applications though. Some people use the firewall to nat all packages to port 80 onto the network interface desired for web browsing. Gee, beware the http://somewebsite.tld:8080 links...

Thankfully Daniel Ryde has solved the problem via a LD_PRELOAD shim. With his code you can run

daniel@laptop:~$ BIND_ADDR="" LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ firefox (*)

and happily surf away.

To compile his code (3.3kB, local copy, see note 1) you need to run

gcc -nostartfiles -fpic -shared bind.c -o -ldl -D_GNU_SOURCE
cp -i /usr/lib/

and you're set to go.

If you don't have gcc available (and trust me) you can download pre-compiled 32bit and 64bit (glibc-2) libraries here (4.5kB).

I guess because Daniel Ryde hid his code so well on his webpage, Robert J. McKay wrote another LD_PRELOAD shim, called Bindhack (4.5kB, local mirror). This will - as is - only compile on 32bit machines. But YMMV.

Run the above command (*) with your desired (and locally bound) IP address in bash and visit or or any of the other services that show your external IP to see whether you've succeeded.


  1. Daniel Ryde did not specify the -D_GNU_SOURCE in the comments section of bind.c. Modern glibc/gcc need that as he used RTLD_NEXT which is Unix98 and not POSIX. I amended the local copy of bind.c and sent him an email so he can update his.
  2. Both are IPv4 only, no IPv6 support.


19.03.15 madmakz wrote in to clarify that all of the bind LD_PRELOAD shims only work with TCP connections. So not with UDP.
I'm not aware of a shim that manipulates UDP sockets.

14.01.14 Christian Pellegrin wrote a superb article on how to achieve per-application routing with the help of Linux network namespaces.

16.06.13 seems to be gone, so I replaced it with in the text above. There are plenty of others as well.

22.06.12 Lennart Poettering has a IPv4 only version of a shim and a rather good readme available at his site.

29.11.10 Catalin M. Boie wrote another LD_PRELOAD shim, force_bind. I have not tested this one. It's capable of handling IPv6 binds.

11.01.09 Daniel Ryde has replied to my email and updated his local copy now as well.

Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 Bluetooth UMTS Dial-up (DUN)


Using a mobile phone's Bluetooth Dial-up network (DUN) to connect to the Internet (UMTS/GPRS) while on the road is quite convenient for me. Sadly so this is not supported out-of-the-box in Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 (Netbook Remix) as it uses Network-Manager to handle - well - network connections. And that is not quite there on Bluetooth managed devices yet.

While the default solution (rfcomm and Gnome-PPP) still works, it's ugly to set up. Sadly so, zillions of Ubuntu-Forum threads and blog entries still detail this solution - or the issues encountered with it along the way.

The much better solutions is using Blueman, an improved Gnome-Bluetooth primarily developed by Valmantas Palikša. It brings the right UDEV magic along to teach Network-Manager about the Bluetooth devices it handles.

Blueman Screenshot on Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 Netbook Edition

Just follow the steps on their downloads page to set up the Blueman PPA (Personal Package Archive) to get things working.

Kubuntu 9.10 (karmic) 64bit firefox java plugin


For some unknown reason the (K)Ubuntu developers did not update the Java plugin for firefox after jaunty (yet?).

The version that Karmic (9.10) pulls out of the multiverse repository is still jaunty's (9.04).

So when you try:

apt-get install sun-java6-plugin

you'll get something like

   Reading package lists... Done
   Building dependency tree
   Reading state information... Done
   Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
   requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
   distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
   or been moved out of Incoming.
   The following information may help to resolve the situation:
   The following packages have unmet dependencies:
     sun-java6-plugin: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-15-1) but 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.04 is to be installed
   E: Broken packages


Actually if you have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE, package name sun-java6-jre) installed all files needed are already present.
Just not put in the right place on the filesystem.

So, run:

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre   # install JRE if needed
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/amd64/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

This will install the JRE (if it's not already installed) and will symlink the firefox plugin for java in place so that it'll be found after a browser restart.

zip2dir (expand a zip to a directory of the same name)


I needed to expand a lot of jars (Java zips) and other zips of various names into directories of the same name for each file. With 6,239 files of which some are jars, some other zips and many xml and other filetypes all not properly identified by a file extension, this gets a bit too much to do manually.

Finding candidates for these is easy with find . -type f.
The file is most probably a zip archive if the first two characters are "PK", good old Phil Katz' signature. A friendly head -c 2 checks that.
All combined with some rudimentary error checking:

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # There is little data security here, so know what you're doing.
  3. # All risks in using this code are yours. It moves and deletes files quite stupidly.
  4. # (c) Daniel Lange, 2009, v0.01, released into the public domain
  5. if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
  6.         echo "Error: $0 expects exactly one argument, a (fully qualified) path/to/a/zipfile"
  7.         exit 1
  8. fi
  9. if [ ! -r $1 ] ; then
  10.         echo "Error: file does not exist or no read permission on $1"
  11.         exit 2
  12. fi
  13. if [ ! -w "$(dirname $1)" ] ; then
  14.         echo "Error: cannot write to directory of $1"
  15.         exit 3
  16. fi
  17. if [ "$(head -c 2 $1)" == "PK" ] ; then
  18.         mv $1 $1.tmp
  19.         mkdir -p $1
  20.         unzip -d $1 $1.tmp
  21.         rm $1.tmp
  22. else echo "$1 is not a zipfile"
  23. fi

Download available here (1KB).

Typical usage:

 find . -type f -print0 |xargs --null -n 1 zip2dir

This will expand all zips under the current directory.
Leave the zip2dir out for a dry run (xargs will just print to the tty then). Look at the -exec switch when digging around a bit more into what find can do for you.

Fixing FreeNX / NoMachine NX keyboard glitches (e.g. ALTGr)


There is a add-on technology to X or VNC called NX by an Italian company called NoMachine. It's quite useful as it speeds up working on remote desktops via slow network connections (i.e. DSL pipes) substantially.

The libraries that implement NX are released under GPLv2 by that company. A server wrapping up the libraries' functionality is available as closed source from NoMachine or as a free product (GPLv2 again) by Fabian Franz, called FreeNX.

FreeNX itself is amazing as it is written in BASH (with a few helper functions in C). It's also able to mend some of the shortcomings of the NX architecture. E.g. stock NX requires a technical user called "nx" to able to ssh into the NX server with a public/private keypair. FreeNX can work around that for more secure set-ups.

One issue I bumped into quite regularly with Linux clients and Linux hosts from different distributions/localisations is that the keymaps are not compatible. This usually results in the ALTGr key not usable, so German keyboard users can't enter a pipe ("|"), tilde ("~") or a backslash ("\") character. Also the up and down keys are usually resulting in weird characters being pasted to the shell. Now all of that makes using a shell/terminal prompt quite interesting.

Continue reading "Fixing FreeNX / NoMachine NX keyboard glitches (e.g. ALTGr)"

Fix Umlauts in the XFCE Terminal


The XFCE Terminal has the weird issue of sometimes showing question marks (?) instead of German Umlauts (äöüÄÖÜ) although they work fine in any other stock XFCE application (e.g. the default editor "mousepad").

The solution to this can be found on the XFCE Forums but it took me quite some time to find it. It was difficult to find a suitable search query to dig out that page. Google turns up a lot of irrelevant stuff on "XFCE Terminal question marks"...

XFCE Editor Umlauts with and without LANG variable set

The problem with Umlauts (and other 8bit ASCII characters) showing as question marks arises if the user has no LANG variable set.

A simple

export LANG=en_US

resolves the issue. Put that into ~/.bashrc or any other place suitable in your distribution.

Gentoo users may want to

su  # become root
echo "LANG=en_US" >> /etc/env.d/02locale
source /etc/profile

to set the LANG variable system-wide.

So keywords, dear Google: Umlaute, deutsch, Fragezeichen, kaputt, falsch, broken, display, zeigt, charset, Zeichensatz :-)

Getting dual-screen (xinerama) to work with Matrox G450/550 graphics cards and Xorg 1.5


Gentoo finally decided to update Xorg to 1.5. Because this has very substantial changes against the previous version, some things break and there is a migration guide that you are nagged to read. After the upgrade I found that the Matrox card in one of my servers would not display xinerama anymore, i.e. I would get the same image on both screens only. This is the default behaviour for the stock Xorg mga driver. It needs a proprietary HALlib to get real dual-screen capabilities. Whilst there are a few unstable ebuilds for x11-drivers/xf86-video-mga none worked for me any better with Xinerama. The Gentoo Changelog is useless as usual. (Gentoo ebuild ChangeLogs tend to never really tell what is fixed, if you're lucky they reference a bug with a good description. But that's only if you're really lucky.)

Worse, that driver hasn't been updated by Matrox anymore since mammals took over the earth (figuratively ... 2005). This is the typical unmaintained-closed-source-drivers-make-hardware-obsolete-sooner-than-later story. Luckily the cards are quite widely used and clever people from the Open Source community have written guides (Tuxx-Home, Fkung) on how to dissect the proprietary driver and combine parts of it with the Open Source version so that it can be linked into recent X servers. Unfortunately because of the architectural changes in Xorg 1.5, following these guides will fail at the compile stage.

In the Matrox Forum of Alexander Griesser, the author of the first comprehensive Matrox driver install guide linked above, people currently mostly downgrade to previous Xorg versions to work around the issue.

But there is a better^Hworking solution already emerging :-P ...

Continue reading "Getting dual-screen (xinerama) to work with Matrox G450/550 graphics cards and Xorg 1.5"

Windows Vista dial-up networking slow to establish connection


If you find that Microsoft Windows Vista is slow to establish a dial-up network connection (DUN) ("register with the network"), that may be caused by it trying to also get an IPv6 on a IPv4 only ISP. Remove the IPv6 protocol from the Properties -> Network tab of the DUN then. Worked for me on dialing into an ISP via Bluetooth / mobile phone. Ymmv.

httpdate - set local date and time from a web server


While ntp may be a great protocol, I find it quite bloated and slow for the simple purpose of just setting a local date and time to a reference clock. I do not need 20ms accuracy on a notebook's clock :-). Thus I use(d) rdate for a decade now but the public rdate servers are slowly dying out. So I'm replacing it more and more with htpdate which works quite nicely. It's written in C and a perl alternative is available on the author's site. There is also a forked windows version of it available.

Developing a bit larger bash script (which syncs a few servers), I wondered whether I could realize the time sync part in bash as well.

It's quite possible:

  1. # open a tcp connection to
  2. exec 3<>/dev/tcp/
  3. # say hello HTTP-style
  4. echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n">&3
  5. # parse for a Date: line and with a bit of magic throw the date-string at the date command
  6. LC_ALL=C LANG=en date --rfc-2822 --utc -s "$(head <&3 | grep -i "Date: " | sed -e s/Date\:\ //I)"
  7. # close the tcp connection
  8. exec 3<&-

Simple, eh?

Continue reading "httpdate - set local date and time from a web server"

Disabling a group policy'd screensaver on Windows


I guess many people know the issue of having a screen saver forced active after a some time through a group policy in a corporate environment. This is usually done to make sure systems are locked during breaks if people forget to press Win+L (or Ctrl+Alt+Del and then Enter). While that may well help IT security, it turns problematic when giving presentations for extended periods of time. Having to move the mouse through the presentation pointer every few minutes or dash back to the PC once the screen saver has kicked in, again, is simply annoying. On your company's systems you may be able to get the system admins to allow configuration of the interval or allow for disabling the screen saver, but on foreign systems you're often lost. But...

Continue reading "Disabling a group policy'd screensaver on Windows"

kloeri announces Exherbo, another source based Linux distribution


Bryan Østergaard (aka kloeri) announced Exherbo today. He assembled a team of (ex-)Gentoo developers including Ciaran McCreesh (ciaranm), Richard Brown (rbrown), Fernando J. Pereda (ferdy) and Alexander Færøy (eroyf) to build a new source based Linux distribution.

They would like to overcome some of the short-commings of Gentoo both from a technical as well as from a community perspective. Obviously this is easily said and hard to really achieve, so time will tell how successful that team can be. Renaming USE-Flags to OPTIONS and merging the platform KEYWORDS (like x86, ~x86) into the Options-logic is no big deal, but getting the thousands of ebuilds^Hpackages better supported and maintained than Gentoo will be the real deal{maker|breaker}.

Paludis, ciaranm's package manager, supports Gentoo ebuilds and can import them into Exherbo, so there is a potential migration path sketched out.*

They also add another init-system re-write ("Genesis") to the pool. An already quite crowded pool with rather shallow water, I may add.

Exherbo has nothing that is end-user-safe at the time of the announcement, so it's safe to assume kloeri's team wants to attract further development capacity :-).

Browse around the website or join folks in #exherbo if you're interested.

I asked in #exherbo what "exherbo" means ... latin for "uproot" was the answer. How fitting.


*19.04.08: Two friendly folks wrote in to clarify that Paludis currently can only import Ebuild-builds into Exherbo via importare, i.e. take a Gentoo build result and package it for importing into the Exherbo system through Paludis.
23.05.08: Ciaranm wrote a blog entry how to get build results into Exherbo/Paludis via importare.

Seredipity default event_s9ymarkup plugin breaking URLs that contain underscores


The default Serendipity mark-up plugin (event_s9ymarkup) currently breaks URLs that contain underscores.


will end up</u>%26_Waldorf

because of a faulty regex. Garvin Hicking does not really want to fix this. (See this s9y support forum article for arguments pro/contra fixing it). So if you encounter this problem, your options are:

  • replace _ in URLs with %5F (aka manually urlencode it)
  • remove the plugin or disable it
  • patch the plugin

Patching is basically changing


$text = preg_replace('/\b_([\S ]+?)_\b/','<u>\1</u>',$text);


$text = preg_replace('/\ _([\S ]+?)_\ /',' <u>\1</u> ',$text);

If you want to be writing things like "Haha[lol]" (which I have no real use for ...), extend the "\ " with whatever you'd like to be o.k. to delimit bolded words beyond blanks. It should only be symbols that are not valid in URLs (so none of "$-_.+!*'()," which are all valid in URLs according to RFC 1738).

You may also want to consider replacing one underscore ("_") with two or more ("__") to make the detection, that you actually wanted to write bold text, more reliable.

SSHd chroot and PAM


SSH with chroot patch has been working fine for a number of years. Since PAM v0.99 things have broken though, if users are chrooted with the "/home/username/./" syntax as their homedir.

SSH sessions will just terminate immediately after successful logon. Doh.

Two solutions exist:

  1. Put UsePAM no into /etc/ssh/sshd_config and use the chroot patch and /./ in users homedirs
  2. Keep UsePAM yes. Emerge sys-auth/pam_chroot and add session required to /etc/pamd.d/sshd setup /etc/security/chroot.conf or add a chroot_dir=/home/username/ to the line.
    This will currently not work for amd64 though as the Gentoo bug regarding pam_chroot has not cought any attention from the arch testers. Since July...

Bugging the arch testers in #Gentoo-amd64 didn't help either:

Continue reading "SSHd chroot and PAM"

Google Pagerank fuss


For a few weeks SEO types now moan, argue, analyse or celebrate (please submit links in comments section :-)) Google apparently reducing the pagerank (tm Google) of their sites. I guess creating unique content is a too labourous option. Whatever, if you were Ryan Stewart you could even spit out some epicaricacy.

So with all this fuss, I wanted to find out the pagerank (which previously never had any relevance to me) of some (of my) sites. I would not want to install the Google toolbar because I'm not into software that does "something" to my PCs, so I looked around for other options. Wading through masses of pages that offer Javascript to be embedded into your pages to show a pagerank image inline (no thank you), I found two viable options:

Give it a go. Some interpretation help: Pagerank 10 is the max., 7-9 is quite good, 4-5 means Google knows you, new pages start off at PR0.