Google Pagerank fuss

For a few weeks SEO types now moan, argue, analyse or celebrate (please submit links in comments section ) Google apparently reducing the pagerank (tm Google) of their sites. I guess creating unique content is a too labourous option. Whatever, if you were Ryan Stewart you could even spit out some epicaricacy.
So with all this fuss, I wanted to find out the pagerank (which previously never had any relevance to me) of some (of my) sites. I would not want to install the Google toolbar because I'm not into software that does "something" to my PCs, so I looked around for other options. Wading through masses of pages that offer Javascript to be embedded into your pages to show a pagerank image inline (no thank you), I found two viable options:
SEOpen allows you to check the pagerank of a single URL -
iWebTool can fix up any webpage for you so that it'll show the pagerank next to every link on the page
Give it a go. Some interpretation help: Pagerank 10 is the max., 7-9 is quite good, 4-5 means Google knows you, new pages start off at PR0.
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Pete Prodoehl on :
I've been creating unique content on a site for 10 years, and for the last 4 years or so it's been a PR7 but just dropped to a PR4. Yes, it does have sponsored text links on it. Another site I almost never update, and gets nowhere near as much traffic is still a PR5, and it has no ads. Seems weird.
hans on :
Excellent essay. It is very useful for me. Thank you very much