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Netatalk 3.1.9 .debs for Debian Jessie available (Apple Timemachine backup to Linux servers)


Netatalk 3.1.9 has been released with two interesting fixes / amendments:

  • FIX: afpd: fix "admin group" option
  • NEW: afpd: new options "force user" and "force group"

Here are the full release notes for 3.1.9 for your reading pleasure.

Due to upstream now differentiating between SysVinit and systemd packages I've followed that for simplicity's sake and built libgcrypt-only builds. If you need the openssl-based tools continue to use the 3.1.8 openssl build until you have finished your migration to a safer password storage.

Warning: Read the original blog post before installing for the first time. Be sure to read the original blog post if you are new to Netatalk3 on Debian Jessie!
You'll get nowhere if you install the .debs below and don't know about the upgrade path. So RTFA.

Now with that out of the way:

The update instructions (assuming you have installed the 3.1.8 gcrypt build before) are:

# install new debs
dpkg -i libatalk17_3.1.9-1_amd64.deb netatalk_3.1.9-1_amd64.deb
# reboot the box (restart of netatalk may not be sufficient)
# After reboot: remove the obsolete libatalk16 if you have updated from 3.1.7 or earlier (3.1.9 uses libatalk17)
dpkg -r libatalk16

And here are the files:

File Function md5 sha1
libatalk-dev_3.1.9-1_amd64.deb (libgcrypt, sysvinit build) Development files for the libatalk library (dev only) 5ae6229a5fb0a23889359a3dc37de051 562f26022449fa00fb70ab8e0b635855d1890c1e
libatalk17_3.1.9-1_amd64.deb (libgcrypt, sysvinit build) libatalk library (needed) 16dcd383df673f11257924fa3674a920 a033cdedbf7443c7776bada3719d8f888ec77071
netatalk_3.1.9-1_amd64.deb (libgcrypt, sysvinit build) netatalk daemons (needed) e5aa834adab25cfdc8138afc40703590 2c7b37066233022e05e789b96ee070aa395ead2b
libatalk-dev_3.1.9-1_amd64.deb (libgcrypt, systemd build) Development files for the libatalk library (dev only) 2f61ce41270e54b8ea97699869ea9741 696b1e1e8b7a9dc1b10b2bfd0950359009bff0b1
libatalk17_3.1.9-1_amd64.deb (libgcrypt, systemd build) libatalk library (needed) 4672e547f66269cbf9a0c5edd1fab6d8 0fc54e5f83be5f41d8f7307e3a22812d028ea476
netatalk_3.1.9-1_amd64.deb (libgcrypt, systemd build) netatalk daemons (needed) 0d305f60c351b7548ef7f892b3e8cc30 7513f2c0f0b978e2d53a9f2477aae16d2e8aa439


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Damien on :

Many thanks (again) for the .deb packages. It’s a shame than Debian does not have them in its repositories.

Daniel Lange on :

I'm aiming to get netatalk back into Debian after the Stretch release (so for Buster). Let's see whether this works out (and whether Apple doesn't go full SMB3 before that).

Sander Hartveld on :

Hi, Many thanks for this help. I have a problem tough. After netatalk has started op my Debian box I can do 1 backup and after that my osx is unable to find the backup disk. I have to login with ssh and restart netatalk using #systemctl restart netatalk and then it works again. Do you have any idea why osx is unable to find the volume? #systemctl status netatalk tells me: Oct 31 20:29:42 systemd[1]: PID file /var/lock/netatalk not readable (yet?) after start. Oct 31 20:29:42 systemd[1]: Started Netatalk AFP fileserver for Macintosh clients. Oct 31 20:29:54 afpd[3054]: pam_unix(netatalk:session): session opened for user timemachine by (uid=0) Oct 31 20:31:14 afpd[3054]: pam_unix(netatalk:session): session closed for user timemachine Oct 31 20:31:14 afpd[3054]: PAM audit_log_acct_message() failed: Operation not permitted

I am using Debian Jessie with libatalk-dev_3.1.9-1_amd64.deb (libgcrypt, systemd build) and libatalk17_3.1.9-1_amd64.deb (libgcrypt, systemd build).

I hope you can help. Thanks a lot.

Maximilian Michel on :

Thanks a lot, that helped tremendously!

Aimee on :

Hi I am trying to package a 3.1.11 version, on stretch, for deb deployment on a number of systems, and wonder if you could make the debian package directory available? Thanks

Daniel Lange on :

The source repo is available at Adi's:

(see for build instructions)

Aimee on :


Thanks for that, packaging is a bit of a black art!!


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