Wikimedia Fundraiser Analysis III

The official Wikimedia fundraiser had been extended into January, 3rd 2008, has been kept up on the 4th and is kind of still running. The site notice has been trimmed down to a thank you message but still requests further donations, which are also continuously added to the official daily funds list and running totals as of the press time of this article.
I've presented two interim analysis
- Wikimedia Fundraiser analysis I on 03.11.07, some two weeks into the fundraiser
- Wikimedia Fundraiser analysis II on 23.11.07, summing up expectations and results for the initially intended duration of the fundraiser (22.11.07)
Today, let's wrap up the fundraiser until the second official close date 03.01.08:
From 22.10.07 until 03.01.08 43,837 people have contributed a total of $1,467,446 (US) according to Wikimedia's own stats (see the previous two articles mentioned above for a discussion of their reporting scheme).