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Seagate old hard disks sold as new, smartmontools v7.4 for Debian Bullseye and Bookworm


Apparently somebody managed to resell Seagate hard disks that have 2-5 years of operations on them as brand new.

They did this by using some new shrink wrap bags and resetting the used hard disk SMART attributes to factory-new values.

Image of Seagate Exos X24 hard disk

Luckily Seagate has a proprietary extension "Seagate FARM (Field Access Reliability Metrics)" implemented in their disks that ... the crooks did not reset.

Luckily ... because other manufacturers do not have that extension. And you think the crooks only re-sell used Seagate disks? Lol.

To get access to the Seagate FARM extension, you need smartctl from smartmontools v7.4 or later.

For Debian 12 (Bookworm) you can add the backports archive and then install with apt install smartmontools/bookworm-backports.

For Debian 11 (Bullseye) you can use a backport we created at my company:

File sha256
smartmontools_7.4-2~bpo11+1_amd64.deb e09da1045549d9b85f2cd7014d1f3ca5d5f0b9376ef76f68d8d303ad68fdd108

You can also download static builds from which keeps the latest CI builds of the current development branch (v7.5 at the time of writing).

To check the state of your drives, compare the output from smartctl -x and smartctl -l farm. Double checking Power_On_Hours vs. "Power on Hours" is the obvious. But the other values around "Head Flight Hours" and "Power Cycle Count" should also roughly match what you expect from a hard disk of a certain age. All near zero, of course, for a factory-new hard disk.

This is what it looks like for a hard disk that has gracefully serviced 4 years and 8 months so far. The smartctl -x and smartctl -l farm data match within some small margins:

$ smartctl -x /dev/sda

smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-6.1.0-30-amd64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Model Family:     Seagate Exos X14
Device Model:     ST10000NM0568-2H5110
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  4 Start_Stop_Count        -O--CK   100   100   020    -    26
  9 Power_On_Hours          -O--CK   054   054   000    -    40860
 10 Spin_Retry_Count        PO--C-   100   100   097    -    0
 12 Power_Cycle_Count       -O--CK   100   100   020    -    27
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count -O--CK   100   100   000    -    708
193 Load_Cycle_Count        -O--CK   064   064   000    -    72077
240 Head_Flying_Hours       ------   100   253   000    -    21125h+51m+45.748s
$ smartctl -l farm /dev/sda

smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-6.1.0-30-amd64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Seagate Field Access Reliability Metrics log (FARM) (GP Log 0xa6)
        FARM Log Page 0: Log Header
                FARM Log Version: 2.9
                Pages Supported: 6
                Log Size: 98304
                Page Size: 16384
                Heads Supported: 24
                Number of Copies: 0
                Reason for Frame Capture: 0
        FARM Log Page 1: Drive Information
                Power on Hours: 40860
                Spindle Power on Hours: 34063
                Head Flight Hours: 24513
                Head Load Events: 72077
                Power Cycle Count: 28
                Hardware Reset Count: 193

You may like to run the command below on your systems to capture the state. Remember FARM is only supported on Seagate drives.

for i in /dev/sd{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h} ; do { smartctl -x $i ; smartctl -l farm $i ; } >> $(date +'%y%m%d')_smartctl_$(basename $i).txt ; done

Printing labels with the DYMO LabelWriter Wireless (and LabelWriter 5xx) on Debian Linux


In 2020 my company bought a DYMO LabelWriter Wireless. It is an awesome little device for thermal printing a wide variety of labels. The labels are easily available both from DYMO and from third parties so the pricing is quite acceptable.

Unfortunately DYMO supplies their DYMO Connect Software only for Microsoft Windows and MacOSX. A mobile app of the same name for Android and Apple iOS devices is available in the app stores.

There is a SDK for Linux and there are drivers published for Linux but the LabelWriter Wireless was not supported on Linux when I tried to get it running for Debian in 2020.

Image of the DYMO LabelWriter Wireless in the white and black versions

This year I have had a new look at the situation as we still use the LabelWriter Wireless printers a lot and the company runs fully on Linux. So it is always a chore to run a Windows VM just to run DYMO Connect.

Continue reading "Printing labels with the DYMO LabelWriter Wireless (and LabelWriter 5xx) on Debian Linux"

Removing the New Event Button from Thunderbird v115 Calendar

DebianOpen Source

Thunderbird in Debian stable (Bookworm) has received Thunderbird v115.3.1 as a security update.

With it comes "Supernova", a UI redesign. There is a Mozilla blogpost with a walk-through of the new UI.

Unfortunately it features a super eye-catching "New Message" button that - thankfully - can be disabled. Even the whole space above the email folder pane can be recovered by disabling the folder pane header at Burger Menu (☰) -> View -> Folders -> Folder Pane Header.

Unfortunately there is no way to remove the same eye-catching "New Event" button for the Calendar view via a UI setting.

Thunderbird New event button, German locale

This needs a user CSS file to override the button as non-visible.

To make it process the user CSS Thunderbird needs a config setting to be enabled:

  1. Burger Menu (☰) -> Settings -> General
  2. Scroll down all the way
  3. Click the Config editor... button on the bottom right
  4. Accept that hell will freeze over because you configure software
  5. Search for toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets
  6. Toggle the value to true to enable the user CSS

You can manually add user_pref("toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets", true); to ~/.thunderbird/abcdefgh.default/prefs.js to the same effect (do this while Thunderbird is not running; replace abcdefgh with your Thunderbird profile ID).

Now create a new directory ~/.thunderbird/abcdefgh.default/chrome/, again replacing abcdefgh with your profile ID.

Inside the new directory create a userChrome.css file with the following content:

/* Hide Calendar New Event button */
#primaryButtonSidePanel {
    display: none !important;

Restart Thunderbird. And enjoy less visual obstruction when using the Calendar.

Xfce4 opening links in Chromium despite Firefox having been set as the default browser


Installing a laptop with the shiny new Debian Bookworm release finds a few interesting things broken that I probably had fixed in the past already on the old laptop.

One, that was increadibly unintuitive to fix, was lots of applications (like xfce4-terminal or Telegram) opening links in Chromium despite Firefox being set as the preferred webbrowser everywhere.

update-alternatives --config x-www-browser was pointing at Firefox already, of course.
The Xfce4 preferred application from settings was Firefox, of course.
xdg-mime query default text/html delivered firefox-esr.desktop, of course.

Still nearly every link opens in ███████ Chromium...

As usually the answer is out there. In this case in a xfce4-terminal bug report from 2015.

The friendly "runkharr" has debugged the issue and provides the fix as well. As usually, all very easy once you know where to look. And why to hate GTK again a bit more:

The GTK function gtk_show_uri() uses glib's g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri() and that - of course - cannot respect the usual mimetype setting.

So quoting "runkharr" verbatim:

1. Create a file `exo-launch.desktop´ in your `~/.local/share/applications´ directory with something like the following content:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Exo Launcher
    Comment=A try to force 'xfce4-terminal' to use the preferred application(s)
    GenericName=Exo Launcher
    Exec=exo-open %u

2. Create (if not already existing) a local `defaults.list´ file, again in your `~/.local/share/applications´ directory. This file must start with a "group header" of

    [Default Applications]

3. Insert the following three lines somewhere below this `[Default Applications]´ group header [..]:


And ... links open in Firefox again. Thank you "runkharr"!

Apple Time Machine backups on Debian 9 (Stretch)

Warning: Superseded by v3.1.13. Do not use the below packages anymore. Update from 28.04.2022: Do not use the packages below any more. There is Netatalk 3.1.13 out with fixes for multiple remote code execution (RCE) bugs. Use packages from recent Debian again, they have been updated.

Netatalk 3.1.12 has been released which fixes an 18 year old RCE bug. The Medium write up on CVE-2018-1160 by Jacob Baines is quite an entertaining read.

The full release notes for 3.1.12 are unfortunately not even half as interesting.

Warning: Read the original blog post before installing for the first time. Be sure to read the original blog post if you are new to Netatalk3 on Debian Jessie or Stretch!
You'll get nowhere if you install the .debs below and don't know about the upgrade path from 2.2.x which is still in the Debian archive. So RTFA.

For Debian Buster (Debian 10) we'll have Samba 4.9 which has learnt (from Samba 4.8.0 onwards) how to emulate a SMB time machine share. I'll make a write up how to install this once Buster stabilizes. This luckily means there will be no need to continue supporting Netatalk in normal production environments. So I guess bug #690227 won't see a proper fix anymore. Waiting out problems helps at times, too :/.

Update instructions and downloads:

Continue reading "Apple Time Machine backups on Debian 9 (Stretch)"

Debian Gitlab ( tricks


Debian is moving the git hosting from, an instance of Fusionforge, to which is a Gitlab instance.

There is some background reading available on This also has pointers to an import script to ease migration for people that move repositories. It's definitely worth hanging out in #alioth on oftc, too, to learn more about salsa / gitlab in case you have a persistent irc connection.

As of now() salsa has 15,320 projects, 2,655 users in 298 groups.
Alioth has 29,590 git repositories (which is roughly equivalent to a project in Gitlab), 30,498 users in 1,154 projects (which is roughly equivalent a group in Gitlab).

So we currently have 50% of the git repositories migrated. One month after leaving beta. This is very impressive.
As Alioth has naturally accumulated some cruft, Alexander Wirt (formorer) estimates that 80% of the repositories in use have already been migrated.

So it's time to update your local .git/config URLs!

Mehdi Dogguy has written nice scripts to ease handling salsa / gitlab via the (extensive and very well documented) API. Among them is list_projects that gets you nice overview of the projects in a specific group. This is especially true for the "Debian" group that contains the former collab-maint repositories, so source code that can and shall be maintained by Debian Developers collectively.

Finding migrated repositories

Salsa can search quite quickly via the Web UI:✓&search=htop

Salsa search screenshot

but finding the URL to clone the repository from is more clicks and ~4MB of data each time (yeah, the modern web), so

$ curl --silent"htop" | jq .
    "id": 9546,
    "description": "interactive processes viewer",
    "name": "htop",
    "name_with_namespace": "Debian / htop",
    "path": "htop",
    "path_with_namespace": "debian/htop",
    "created_at": "2018-02-05T12:44:35.017Z",
    "default_branch": "master",
    "tag_list": [],
    "ssh_url_to_repo": "",
    "http_url_to_repo": "",
    "web_url": "",
    "avatar_url": null,
    "star_count": 0,
    "forks_count": 0,
    "last_activity_at": "2018-02-17T18:23:05.550Z"

is a bit nicer.

Please notice the git url format is a bit odd, it's either or

Notice the ":" -> "/" after the hostname. Bit me once.

Finding repositories to update

At this time I found it useful to check which of the repositories I have cloned had not yet been updated in the local .git/config:

find ~/debconf ~/my_sources ~/shared -ipath '*.git/config' -exec grep -H 'url.*git\.debian' '{}' \;

Thanks to Jörg Jaspert (Ganneff) the Debconf repositories have all been moved to Salsa now.
Hint: Bug him for his scripts if you need to do complex moves.

Updating the URLs has been an hours work on my side and there is little you can do to speed that up if - as in the Debconf case - teams have used the opportunity to clean up and things are not as easy as using sed -i.

But there is no reason to do this more than once, so for the laptops...

Speeding up migration on multiple devices

rsync -armuvz --existing --include="*/" --include=".git/config" --exclude="*" ~/debconf/ laptop:debconf/

will rsync the .git/config files that you changed to other systems where you keep partial copies.

On these a simple git pull to get up to remote HEAD or using the git_pull_all one-liner from will suffice.

Git short URL

Stefano Rivera (tumbleweed) shared this clever trick:

git config --global url."ssh://".insteadOf salsa:

This way you can git clone salsa:debian/htop.

IMAPFilter 2.6.11-1 backport for Debian Jessie AMD64 available


One of the perks you get as a Debian Developer is a email address. And because Debian is old and the Internet used to be a friendly place this email address is plastered all over the Internet. So you get email spam, a lot of spam.

I'm using a combination of server and client site filtering to keep spam at bay. Unfortunately the IMAPFilter version in Debian Jessie doesn't even support "dry run" (-n) which is not so cool when developing complex filter rules. So I backported the latest (sid) version and agreed with Sylvestre Ledru, one of its maintainers, to share it here and see whether making an official backport is worth it. It's a straight recompile so no magic and no source code or packaging changes required.

Get it while its hot:

imapfilter_2.6.11-1~bpo8+1_amd64.deb (IMAPFilter Jessie backport)
SHA1: bedb9c39e576a58acaf41395e667c84a1b400776

Clever LUA snippets for ~/.imapfilter/config.lua appreciated.

Thunderbird startup hang (hint: Add-Ons)


If you see Thunderbird hanging during startup for a minute and then continuing to load fine, you are probably running into an issue similar to what I saw when Debian migrated Icedove back to the "official" Mozilla Thunderbird branding and changed ~/.icedove to ~/.thunderbird in the process (one symlinked to the other).

Looking at the console log (=start Thunderbird from a terminal so you see its messages), I got:

console.log: foxclocks.bootstrap._loadIntoWindow(): got xul-overlay-merged - waiting for overlay-loaded
[.. one minute delay ..]
console.log: foxclocks.bootstrap._windowListener(): got window load chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xul

Stracing confirms it hangs because Thunderbird loops waiting for a FUTEX until that apparently gets kicked by a XUL core timeout.
(Thanks for defensive programming folks!)

So in my case uninstalling the Add-On Foxclocks easily solved the problem.

I assume other Thunderbird Add-Ons may cause the same issue, hence the more generic description above.

Netatalk 3.1.9 .debs for Debian Jessie available (Apple Timemachine backup to Linux servers)


Netatalk 3.1.9 has been released with two interesting fixes / amendments:

  • FIX: afpd: fix "admin group" option
  • NEW: afpd: new options "force user" and "force group"

Here are the full release notes for 3.1.9 for your reading pleasure.

Due to upstream now differentiating between SysVinit and systemd packages I've followed that for simplicity's sake and built libgcrypt-only builds. If you need the openssl-based tools continue to use the 3.1.8 openssl build until you have finished your migration to a safer password storage.

Warning: Read the original blog post before installing for the first time. Be sure to read the original blog post if you are new to Netatalk3 on Debian Jessie!
You'll get nowhere if you install the .debs below and don't know about the upgrade path. So RTFA.

Now with that out of the way:

Continue reading "Netatalk 3.1.9 .debs for Debian Jessie available (Apple Timemachine backup to Linux servers)"

Irssi update to 0.8.19 from Debian jessie-backports may break enter / carriage return key / ↵ key


Updating to irssi 0.8.19 (which is a mainly a bugfix release to 0.8.18) proved a real issue. The enter key (return key) stopped working. Ctrl-J still worked but that's way too annoying to remember after each line. Searching the github issues turned up #327 Numeric keypad "Enter" key stopped working which didn't help much. Digging deeper it shows the irssi devs enabled "App key" mode in these releases which causes so many issues, they had to implement a switch to turn it off again.

So a hopeful: /set term_appkey_mode off followed by Ctrl+J, remember ...

and ... nothing changed.

So finally, after more digging and a quick consideration to go back to irssi 0.8.17 on Debian stable (Jessie) ...

/bind ^M key return

Yes, irssi 0.8.19 wants to be told what the enter key is, like, by default. Duh.
No idea what caused this in my configuration, I've been using irssi for more than a decade so much cruft has accumulated in my .irssi/config but ... in case you run into this as well, hopefully I helped you save a morning for something better to do.

If you want to fumble this into your .irssi/config (e.g. because Ctrl-J does not work for you):

keyboard = (
  { key = "^M"; id = "key"; data = "return"; },

Netatalk 3.1.8 .debs for Debian Jessie available (Apple Timemachine backup to Linux servers)


The Debian Netatalk3 saga continues at bug #685878. In season 4 of the epic the main issue still seems to be unclear license indications of a (very) few source files. And the usual "you go fix it", "no! you go fix it!". May be the fact that Firefox will be Firefox again in Debian [yeah!] could serve as an inspiration to the Netatalk maintainers?

Ah, well, until we have the eureka moment for Netatalk3 (4?) ...
<pragmatism style="priority-on-users:yes"> ... I'll post my .debs of the new 3.1.8 version of Netatalk as well.

Warning: Read the original blog post before installing for the first time. Be sure to read the original blog post if you are new to Netatalk3 on Debian Jessie!
You'll get nowhere if you install the .debs below and don't know about the upgrade path. So RTFA.

The release notes for 3.1.8 don't list anything that makes the update look mandatory but there is a nice compatibility fix for shares also exported via Samba (compatible xattrs handling). And it's faster.

The update instructions (assuming you have installed 3.1.7 before) are:

# install new debs
dpkg -i libatalk17_3.1.8-1_amd64.deb netatalk_3.1.8-1_amd64.deb
# reboot the box (restart of netatalk may not be sufficient)
# After reboot: remove the obsolete libatalk16 (3.1.8 uses libatalk17)
dpkg -r libatalk16

And here are the files:

Continue reading "Netatalk 3.1.8 .debs for Debian Jessie available (Apple Timemachine backup to Linux servers)"

Apple Timemachine backups on Debian 8 (Jessie)


Upgrading Debian 7 (Wheezy) servers to Debian 8 (Jessie) proves (unexpectedly) quite rough around the edges.

That's what you get for using a version x.0, we should have known better :-).

And - of course - the release notes follow the common practice of not even mentioning any of the issues we encountered so far.

Ah, well, let's go through the first one:

In Debian 7 (Wheezy) there was netatalk 2.2.2 (packages link). Now during upgrades that package may or may not get removed. There is no netatalk in Debian 8 (Jessie) anymore. Duh. There is in sid (aka Debian unstable) (packages link) so we may see a backport some time. Or not. In any case this is still 2.2.5 at the time of writing and as Adrian Knoth put it in the three year old bug asking for a upgrade to Netatalk 3:

Let's not ship another release without netatalk3, it's embarrassing.

Yes. It is. Removing a working version and not even mentioning it in the release notes is even worse though. So no cookies there.

Luckily the absolutely awesome Debian and greater FLOSS community have sorted 90% of the problem out for us already:

A quick Google search turns up an excellent article on netatalk's wiki that details installing Netatalk 3.1.7 on Debian 8 Jessie. There are two shortcomings to this: First it doesn't compile to .debs but installs besides apt and friends. And second it compiles with Spotlight search, courtesy of Gnome tracker, which doesn't really work well on servers yet. Hence we're lucky that Adrian Knoth's debified install has not yet added the tracker dependencies. It does compile for systemd use (the default for Debian 8 Jessie). If you want to continue using SysVInit, you need to modify debian/rules.

Compiling to .debs becomes as easy as:

# get build dependencies and a few helpers
apt-get install build-essential devscripts debhelper cdbs autotools-dev dh-buildinfo libdb-dev libwrap0-dev libpam0g-dev libcups2-dev libkrb5-dev libltdl3-dev libgcrypt11-dev libcrack2-dev libavahi-client-dev libldap2-dev libacl1-dev libevent-dev d-shlibs dh-systemd
# in case you want to try the tracker support (you need to ammend the debian/ build config as well)
# apt-get install tracker libtracker-sparql-1.0-dev libtracker-miner-1.0-dev  
git clone
cd netatalk-debian
debuild -b -uc -us

This should leave you with (at the time of writing this):

File Function md5 sha1
libatalk-dev_3.1.7-1_amd64.deb Development files for the libatalk library (dev only) e5a465e39a8560c919d8db85c8e5a83b 0b924cf75f22ab42406289c6f18ae0243d6396a3
libatalk16_3.1.7-1_amd64.deb libatalk library (needed) 17a3d677ed0b3df1c2f4c1a8ab9045fd 7345ed3edd442716c99c2fe979140703204c0826
netatalk_3.1.7-1_amd64.deb netatalk daemons (needed) c694abca7f3cdc0070b2b3e7d528324a 932d1e3d5899958f29e79a7ba40e858d4ac272e8

Obviously you can download the files above if you run the AMD64 architecture and trust me enough to compile them for you.

Continue reading "Apple Timemachine backups on Debian 8 (Jessie)"