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Wikimedia Fundraiser extended to 03. January 2008


I have just noted that the Wikimedia Foundation has extended the deadline for the fundraiser from 22. December 2007 to 03. January 2008. Here's the diff from the Fundraising FAQ.

The funds are currently coming in at just above 12,000$ a day and have so far reached 1.24m$, a huge sum sufficient to cover half of the technology budget Wikimedia proposed for it's fiscal year 2007/2008. That includes unspecified salaries, so may be the funds will be sufficient to operate Wikipedia a year. But obviously the total grants fall expectedly short of the total 4.61m$ planned for spending.


Daniel Lange's blog on : Wikimedia Fundraiser Analysis II

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Yesterday, 22.12.2007, the initial deadline for the Wikimedia fundraiser ran out.It has been extended to 03.01.2008 but it's a good time to assess the results so far asyesterday ends the initially planned duration of the fundraiser.As I documented in the


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