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Wikimedia Fundraiser changes progress meter


The Wikimedia foundation has just changed the progress meter to track the number of donors.

Now every icon seems to represent a 5,000 people increment. So the 100,000 donors target looks still set. Well, actually 95,001 would now fill the last icon on the meter.

To achieve this Wikimedia still needs to accelerate the donors/day according to my analysis from yesterday. At the current 1,000 donors/day, they'll "only" receive around 60,500 individual donations. The running total donors figure is now displayed in text. This is pretty advantageous as the graphical representation need to be updated only once another 5,000 people have contributed. The new meter is also language neutral, so it does not need to be updated for each language individually anymore. The Text below the meter ("You can help Wikimedia change the world!") is HTML too, so this can be easily localized. All in all, well done!

This is what it looks like on the English Wikimedia home page now:

Wikimedia fund raiser meter, new version, English Wikipedia Homepage 04.11.07

The German version of Wikipedia currently still displays the old graph:

Wikimedia fund raiser meter, old version, German Wikipedia Homepage 04.11.07

There is also a change in the individual donations listing visible:

The people contributing $0.01 seem to have vanished. Perhaps the interface to Paypal and Moneybookers has a minimum set to $1.00 now. This will shift the average donation upwards, but will also account for fewer donors. The trolls at least were good to be counted...


Daniel Lange's blog on : Wikimedia Fundraiser Analysis II

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Yesterday, 22.12.2007, the initial deadline for the Wikimedia fundraiser ran out.It has been extended to 03.01.2008 but it's a good time to assess the results so far asyesterday ends the initially planned duration of the fundraiser.As I documented in the


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