SSHd chroot and PAM


SSH with chroot patch has been working fine for a number of years. Since PAM v0.99 things have broken though, if users are chrooted with the "/home/username/./" syntax as their homedir.

SSH sessions will just terminate immediately after successful logon. Doh.

Two solutions exist:

  1. Put UsePAM no into /etc/ssh/sshd_config and use the chroot patch and /./ in users homedirs
  2. Keep UsePAM yes. Emerge sys-auth/pam_chroot and add session required to /etc/pamd.d/sshd setup /etc/security/chroot.conf or add a chroot_dir=/home/username/ to the line.
    This will currently not work for amd64 though as the Gentoo bug regarding pam_chroot has not cought any attention from the arch testers. Since July...

Bugging the arch testers in #Gentoo-amd64 didn't help either:

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